The Effect of the Effectiveness of the Audit Committee toward the Quality of Financial Reports

Gunawan Hutomo Mandala Putra, Azwir Nasir, Novita Indrawati


This study aimed to analyze the effect of the effectiveness of the audit committee in terms of expertise, charter, total of audit committees, total of audit committee meetings which are expected to have an influence on the quality of financial reports. This research was conducted through quantitative methods using secondary data. Secondary data consisted of data on the date of issuance of the company's financial reports on the IDX website and annual reports of companies that had been listed on the IDX in 2018. The research population was all manufacturing companies listed on the IDX. The sample selection procedure used purposive sampling method with a total sample size of 96 companies and the analysis technique used was multiple regression. The results proved that the expertise of the audit committee, the audit committee charter, the total of audit committees and the audit committee meetings had a significant effect on the quality of financial reports.


the quality of financial reports, audit committee expertise, audit committee charter, total of audit committees, audit committee meetings.

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