The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Electronic Word of Mouth on Brand Image and Purchase Intention with Ventela Shoe Products in Pekanbaru City
Social Media Marketing, Electronic Word of Mouth, , Brand Image, Purchase IntentionAbstract
The rapid development of the fashion world has attracted a lot of
public attention, especially among teenagers who want to look
attractive. Shoes are one of the most famous fashion trends, as
evidenced by the creation of various models and types of shoes sold on
the market. Therefore, shoe industry companies offer affordable
prices, have a good brand image, and are able to provide satisfaction
to consumers. This study was conducted to determine the influence of
social media marketing and electronic word of mouth on brand image
and purchase intention with ventela shoe products in pekanbaru city.
The population in this study were all consumers who were interested
in making purchases on the Ventela shoe brand who were domiciled in
Pekanbaru City with a sample size of 100 people. The data collection
technique in this study used a questionnaire with a quantitative
method. The analysis tool used in this study was Path Analysis using
the SPSS 26 application. The results of the study showed that 1. Social
Media Marketing had a positive and significant effect on Brand Image;
2. electronic Word Of Mouth had a positive and significant effect on
Brand Image; 3. Social Media Marketing had a positive and significant
effect on purchase intention; 4. electronic Word Of Mouth has a
positive and significant effect on purchase intention; 5. Brand Image
has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention; 6. Brand
Image is able to mediate the influence of Social Media Marketing on
purchase intention; 7. Brand Image is able to mediate the influence of
electronic Word Of Mouth on purchase intention
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